The World’s Strongest Auto-Open Golf Umbrella is now made with eco-friendly rPET polyester! Built with a multi-patented frame and wind vent technology, The Auto Challenger boasts a 62” arc, enhanced FlexTech fiberglass double rib frame, and safety glide opening mechanism. This umbrella can withstand 75mph winds and best of all... SAME GREAT LOW PRICE!
This umbrella is powered by our patented RainAlertz App, telling you when it’s going to rain.
62” arc
Auto OpenAnti-slip Rubber Handle with Medallion
Price Includes 1 Color 1 Panel Print
Additional Locations:
1-2 Color: $1.25(G)
3 Color: $2.00(G)
4 Color / 4CP: $2.50(G)
Imprint Area: 10”w x 6”h
PMS Color Match: $65(G) Per Color
Drop Ship charges apply for multiple ship to locations
See Terms and conditions for additional charges
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