Football Grill - 12037

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Experience superior outdoor grilling with our charcoal grill, designed for effortless assembly and cleaning. With a compact overall size of approximately 20" x 13" x 17" and a cooking height of about 7.7", it offers a spacious 17.7" x 11.8" chromed plated cooking grid for even heat distribution and a durable 11.8" x 8.7" zinc plated charcoal grid. The 20" powder-coated lid ensures optimal heat retention, while the firebowl—measuring roughly 19.7" x 12.2" x 5.5"—delivers consistent heat control. Supported by two robust, chromed plated legs, this grill is engineered for both functionality and style, making it the perfect addition to your outdoor cooking adventures.

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6 Units
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Production Time
10 days


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